Poet Coral Rumble introduces her first novel ‘Jakub’s Otter’

Coral Rumble is a name we’re sure you know well, since she’s an award-winning poet with several much-loved books on the Troika list: poetry collections Riding A Lion and Things That Should Be In a Poem, and verse novel Little Light. Being the multi-talented writer that she is, Coral has now written her first work of prose fiction. Launching this month, Jakub’s Otter is a charming story of self-discovery, in which a young boy weighed down with responsibilities is given a chance to find out who he really is, beyond his role as carer to his Mum. Here’s Coral to tell you more….

Coral Rumble: “Jakub Polanski cares for his single mum, Maria, who has multiple sclerosis. Jakub’s life outside of school is full of adult concerns, and the weight of responsibility has made him almost forget that he’s a child. His life is tough and the people around him are starting to worry about his mental health.

“To give Jakub a break and to take the pressure off his mum, life-long family friends, the Koniks, take Jakub on holiday with them to Italy. While there, Jakub gets to know their daughter Marta, who shares with Jakub her passion for storytelling and writing poetry, and shows him that freedom and adventure are there for the taking. Jakub discovers that he’s funny and smart and not only defined by being a carer. And, in Italy, Jakub finds hope when he meets an old, wise woodsman who teaches him about otters, especially one injured otter called Piccolo.

“Rumour has it that I love Italy and the rumours are true, so setting Jakub’s Otter there might seem a tad indulgent on my part! However, my plan from the first imaginings of Jakub was to take him to a different country, far away from his usual routines and responsibilities. Our story begins on the outbound flight to Italy and ends on the inbound flight back home.

“Within this ‘gap’ I wanted Jakub’s story to follow who he is outside of being a carer, when he has time to discover more about himself. I specifically set out to write a story about Jakub as a whole person, not about his role as a carer. There are many children, worldwide, who live their lives as carers, but they are more than that, bigger than that, and have characters and needs and desires outside of that.

Coral Rumble

“In our desire to see all children represented in books, we want to tell stories that include a variety of life experiences, but we must avoid suggesting that a child’s circumstances define them. Their ‘issues’ are not their story. We do them a great disservice if we box them and bind them by limits. There must be hope.

“Alongside Jakub - and many animals, including one very special otter - you’re going to meet Dan, Lena and Marta Konik. Marta has the luxury of a secure and settled life and an obvious talent for writing. I’ve based her on a few gifted children I’ve met when running A.I.M. High days for Authors Abroad. But that’s not all. You’ll also have the privilege of meeting Angelo and Rosa Mancini, who will warm your hearts and remind you of the power of simple contentment.

“I promise you, you’re going to be in good company. The summer holidays may be behind us but, through the power of story, I can’t wait to take you to Italy!”

Discover more about Coral Rumble and her charming first novel Jakub’s Otter.

Shauna Robertson